Friday 18 February 2011

Hello Stranger

Oops, there I go not posting for over a week! On the plus side, I have something wonderful to share. A photo, of one of my favourite artists as a teen, Salvador Dali.
You think you're crazy taking your bunny for a walk? It's not an anteater is it?!

This is how you become infamous. Not just because you paint. Because you become someone different from everyone else. Even if people think you're crazy. (I prefer the term eccentric).

My leg still hasn't quite healed sufficiently to warrant a photo of the new tattoo, but it'll come soon. Now I just want it finished..

And now for a rather great little song by the rather great Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Zero.

Music which makes me want to dress up and wear something not quite outragerous but certainly not dull, and arguably inappropriate for a supermarket trip, is definitely A Good Thing.
Get inspired and get dressed.

Thursday 10 February 2011

My blog was getting a little introspective for a minute there. Maybe not so much introspective - as that's what blogs tend to be I suppose - more..heavy?
I really, really love that song. Sometimes I don't want to like certain bands or songs because they seem too obvious. It's silly. I feel too old to be a hipster, but it seems like a cute enough tag, if you're going to have to have one. What's the point in taking yourself too seriously anyway?

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Arms Are For Hugging The Dandy Warhols

This evening I spent watching back-to-back episodes of my old, favourite teen drama series 'My So-Called Life'. I don't remember when it was aired over here, maybe when I was 15? It follows the angsty, grungy tribulations of 15-year old Angela, and her love obsessions with Jordan Catalano, played by Jared Leto. Before he was in 30 Seconds To Mars. Before he was..corny. Back when he was a teenage heartthrob. Swoon, etc.
Sentences were constructed of "like"s and "you know?"s, and staring wistfully at the ceiling, waiting for another poignant statement to pop into your head. Oh to be idealistic and young again.
Actually, no. Life involves less swooning and heartache these days, I much prefer to keep it that way.

As my sense of self deepens, and I become - dare I use the phrase so frequently coined - comfortable in my own skin (although it's a little baggier around the thighs than I'd like), I still like to have bi-annual reinventions and dress completely differently. These days it becomes a seasonal inclination; Being barefoot and hippy like seems appropriate and invigorating during the more temperate months, but come winter, the opportunities for layering and knitwear and black, black, black are too tempting to ignore.
I change my hair colour more habitually than my family can keep account of anyway, but I also envelope myself in styles, scenes and customs. I think of it as merely broadening myself.

Recently, spurred on my love of the Dandy Warhols, I've been embracing everything they inspire in me. A little sleepy, lot rock & roll, psychedelic, 60's/70's feel.
I couldn't hope to choose a favourite song by this band. My first gig (1999, aged 16), my first love, and dare I say, my first crush. A poster of the frontman Courtney Taylor-Taylor was tacked inside my school desk for years. This song, 'Nothing To Do' (not a proper video unfortunately) is a personal favourite. In my ever-changing Top 5. Probably.

A track by another band, Band Of Horses, called Dilly.. I can't work out how I feel about the song. I guess I like it, but the fact that it doesn't provoke much of an opinion in me either way doesn't sound right. Still, the aesthetics of the video are just lovely. A little bit sepia, bikers, beards, good boots and men with long hair..

I made some lovely purchases this week too. I'd say discoveries, but I'd already discovered this truly wonderful Etsy store Moon Raven Designs a little while back, when I ordered a couple of resin (but truly lifelike) bird skull drawer pulls for a cabinet I renovated.
This trip, I added a beautifully crafted silver bird skull pendant to the jewellery box (which the guy is kindly re-hanging onto a piece of deerskin thong, in place of the ballbearing chain), and a truly huge black resin skull ring. I can't wait for them to arrive!
Via Moon Raven Designs

Via Moon Raven Designs

via Drops of Jupiter; Photo by Scott Pommier
I guess I'm not the only one lusting secretly after life on the open road. Tiffany over at Drops Of Jupiter has been feeling it too.

If I had my way, I'd listen to Neil Young every day. Cinnamon Girl.

Sunday 6 February 2011

This Is Not A Dress Rehearsal.

This evening, as we dropped my stepsons home, we drove past an ambulance, pulled up on the hard shoulder of the motorway. Its lights were spinning, glaring, but there was no driver. In my perhaps fatalistic mind, I figured someone was flatlining in the back, and all hands were on deck.

That sounds callous, which is far from how I feel about it, but what other way can you describe such scenes?
It made me consider my own sense of mortality, and how fleeting and brief life really is. It's a common reflection, particularly after having lost a friend or family member, and for as long as humans having been gazing up to the heavens for answers, we've been wondering what lays ahead, after we shuffle off this mortal plane.

I definitely have times when certain sunsets, moments..anything, leaves me unquestioning, and unequivocally decided that there is something. I don't know what, but it's there.
I don't want to get to the end of this and think "Is that all there is?"

Southsea Castle at sunset July 2010

Saturday 5 February 2011

Year Dot.

"Year Dot" is how my mum explains a slightly unquantifiable date in the long-forgotten past. And how I try to make points to her. Such as 'Mum, I think you'll find people have been getting tattoos since year dot'. Yup, even Ötzi the Iceman. It's a fad which has been around for at least 5,300 years; Since 'Year Dot'.

Last night, after watching he who I shall affectionately refer to as J (the husband) pore over the blog of the fantastic Copenhagen-based tattoo artist Uncle Allan, I figured I might just get me a blog.
The point could easily be argued that my day-to-day life is not really that stimulating, especially compared to an internationally renowned tattoo artist, but then the point could also just as easily be argued that no one has to read the damn thing anyway. Problem solved.

I'm really not sure what I'll be posting here. I'd videos I'm quite enjoying, everything else I'm also enjoying, ranting about things which bother me..the usual.

Let's begin with a song that's stuck in my head right now. It's 'Boyfriend' by Best Coast. I really don't know much about them, besides the fact that I think their lo-fi, 90's sound makes me wish it was summer.

Yesterday I spent about 3 hours under the careful needle of our lovely buddy Jesse Rayner. I feel like I'm singlehandedly bringing back those 80's tattoos of dreamcatchers and Navajo Indians.. I got some sort of feather / bird skull / beads number on my leg which now feels like it's on fire. As I get older, I get more wussy.
There'll be a picture once it's not so slimy.

I'm currently inspired by bohemian interiors and Romany gypsy caravans. We're redecorating a little, and the bedroom will become a den. Don't you sometimes wish you could build a tent with bedsheets in your lounge, and sleep in it? I do. I'm sure you're safer in there. Everything is awash with olive green, accented with raspberry. It's my favourite colour scheme; Pseudo-1950's, but stronger. Maybe a little mustard.

This is my idea of heaven - floor to ceiling books, heavy, draped furniture. Tapestry, paintings, low lit and opium heavy. At least, that's how it feels. {source}

If someone could buy me a Regency townhouse in a crescent I'd be eternally grateful. Oh, and a few million to get the interior just so..